"Workplace culture" is a term tossed around more frequently than a fruitcake at a white elephant exchange. But what is workplace culture really? Simply put, it's the environment that influences how you work. The tools you have, the ideas around you, and whether you feel like you're part of a team all impact your ability to work effectively. People spend a fair amount of time at work, so your organizational culture must set the right tone. Critical aspects of workplace culture—or lack thereof—will determine if your organization makes the Naughty or Nice List this year.
The values, behaviors, and regular activities within a workplace create its culture. This includes ingrained beliefs and the code of conduct accepted within a workplace. Deloitte’s Core Beliefs and Culture Survey found that “94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct corporate culture is important to a business’s success.” Focusing on the following aspect of work culture will guarantee your spot on Santa’s and your employees’ Nice List.
Expectations, core values, and conflict resolution all require the same skill: clear communication. A lack of understanding or clarity can create an uncomfortable culture where no one knows where they stand or what to rally around. Collect feedback consistently to create a conflict-free workplace and establish clear expectations for all staff members. Asking for feedback demonstrates that organizations respect employees’ opinions, support transparent discussions, and promote communication without fear of recourse. Not only that, but it shows a growth mindset and willingness to adapt.
Managers and other leadership members must model organizational culture and lead by example. When leaders don’t translate an organization’s core values into action, those values lose meaning or can create tension. Culture is also evident in the collaboration between managers and employees. Research by Quantum Workplace found that “50% of employees feel culture most strongly in their organization’s approach to performance.” Employee recognition, performance management, and team collaboration are defining aspects of workplace culture.
Culture isn't only defined by how well an organization embodies its corporate values—its acknowledgment of individual success equally defines it. Recognizing exemplary work with praise and celebrating employees' achievements creates a positive environment while encouraging success. Work-related events allow teams to celebrate together when they've signed new deals or achieved an OKR. Non-work-related activities like monthly social events can also bond and connect team members.
Thriving workplaces value their employees’ needs. Allowing people to work flexible hours around their family commitments can significantly impact a potential candidate or employee’s life. Supporting hybrid work creates a culture where people feel trusted to do their job without sacrificing their personal life. Work-life balance directly affects how healthy a work environment feels. Microsoft’s 2022 Work Trend Index report found that “53% of employees are more likely to prioritize health and wellbeing over work than before the pandemic.” In turn, the most talented people will leave your organization if you do not prioritize work-life balance.
Culture is often the first thing that comes to a person's mind when asked about their organization—it's pervasive. To ensure a positive workplace culture, focus on open communication, gain support from leadership, recognize achievements, and foster a work-life balance. After all, the four pillars are criteria on Santa's Nice List!
Stay tuned for more festive employee experience insights!